Ways to Support Cure ATRT Now
Cure ATRT Now relies on donations to help fund research and provide patient support services. General donations are always appreciated. There are many other ways to donate as well.
Employee Match Programs
Many companies offer matching donations for their employees. Check to see if your company offers a match. It's a great way to double the impact you can make in fighting pediatric brain cancer.

There are significant tax advantages for making a gift of stock to Cure ATRT Now. Under most circumstances, you can receive a tax deduction for the entire value of the stock at the time you donate it, while avoiding capital gains taxes on stock that has appreciated in value. You can also reduce your taxable estate.
You can support Cure ATRT Now when you shop. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Cure ATRT Now. AmazonSmile offers the same products at the same prices as Amazon. Go to smile.amazon.com and select
Cure ATRT Now. Learn more below.
Amazon Smile
September 18, 2018 Update: With the release of Safari 12.0, many of the Amazon Smile plugins no longer function. The SmileAllDay plugin, available in the App Store continues to function properly.
Register for AmazonSmile and select Cure ATRT Now as your charity and Amazon will donate 0.5% of most purchases to Cure ATRT Now. AmazonSmile features the same selection of products, same prices, and same shopping features as Amazon.com (other than the logo, it's exactly the same as the regular Amazon website.)
Since the shopping experience is exactly the same as you've come to expect -and with the same prices- the only inconvenience is that you have to remember to go to smile.amazon.com instead of amazon.com.
Fortunately, there are free browser plugins that will redirect you to the AmazonSmile web site whenever you go to Amazon. What could be easier!
Thank you for supporting Cure ATRT Now. For more information on any of these programs, please contact info@cureatrt.org.